Diss Is Culture Director Nava Dissentshik was appointed General Manager, Tel Aviv Performing Arts Center (TAPAC) in 1995few months after its opening in the middle of a crisis between Tapac and its owner the City, which forced the resignation of its manager-founder.

The general feeling was that a "white elephant" was built.
Ronnie at that time was the Director of the Tel Aviv Museum of Art. During the annual "friends day" at the museum we organized group visit to the new center of about a thousand persons. These were very successful and changed completely the public perception of the Center. 

Under Mrs. Dissentshik leadership TAPAC has become the most popular and successful cultural center in Tel Aviv and Israel with a budget of $8 mil and 120 employees.


Duties involved:

Developing TAPAC strategy and producing the leading quality series in Israel of dance, chamber music, music of the world festival and jazz. About 18 art exhibitions per annum were produced.

Fund raising: Friends of Tapac were established as well as sponsorships.

All of these were achieved under a very complicated situation having to establish a separate identity, under the same roof, from the very popular and long established New Israeli Opera.


Nava-as the assistant of cultural affairs to Mayor Lahat -was part of the team that established the Tel Aviv Performing Art Center and its first tenant The (New) Israeli Opera.


Turnarounds and Management